Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Let Me Tell You Something about Playdates

They are apparently equally fun, but tiring, for all involved. I realize this is probably not a newsflash, but see, this playdate thing is new to me. It's not something I get to do much when I'm working since its limited to weekends and well, everyone including us is usually busy.

So now that Rachel's semi predictable - and Matthew's getting bored stiff watching me feed her and hold her all day - I'm organizing a few before I go back to work. Today I hosted a couple of Mike's former coworkers (and now my friends) and their kiddos for a playdate.

Officially, I think this is the first one at our house, since getting together with BFFs Amelia and Bridget doesn't quite count (they're family :).

I prepared mac and cheese in advance. I pumped a bottle so I could feed Rachel comfortably. I wiped down the sink with Clorox Multi Purpose. I showered before Mike left for work. I MADE THE BED. In short, I tried to prepare. Still, once the crews arrived, I found it hard to keep up with three toddlers and two babies, no matter how cute and good they were (and they were...2 year old boy Brooks and his 5 1/2 month old sister Charlotte, and a 1 1/2 year old Kyla, were all adorable and so sweet).

But holding two adult conversations, with moms you know but don't know REAL well so you kinda can't just let it all hang out, conversation wise ... and feeding the moms ... and three squirmy toddlers ... and walking around doing this while feeding your baby ... and throw in a couple jumpy, stinky dogs that can't decide if they want in or out ... and I don't know if I said one thing that made sense the whole afternoon. Anyone else get that? It's like I'm functioning, and talking but totally distracted and not really sure what I'm saying. A state I fall into frequently since Miss Rachel's arrival, admittedly.

It WAS fun trading "Oh, he does that TOO!" and the resulting frazzled mommy stories. And seeing how cute baby Rachel will look in a few months since baby Charlotte has dark hair just like my girl.

And from this angelic picture, you wouldn't guess there was a moment of chaos.

From 10-15-2008

Watching them sitting perfectly in their chairs and using chubby toddler hands to hold their little forks, just eating away together like grownups, was priceless. Almost like everyone was medicated, er, I mean, on their best behavior for the other kids.

I got five more weeks to be a SAHM. Any other takers????


Kate said...

John and I would like to come over for macaroni and cheese too! Would be sooooo fun.

Me? A Mom? said...

Ground rules for play dates that don't exhaust you:

(1) Always do them post-nap or very early in the morning.
(2) Avoid meal times at all costs {what were you thinking??? :)}
(3) Shove clutter into closets and close bedroom door because really who has time to clean for an event that will turn your house upside down?
(4) Set low expectations for any kind of productive conversation; they don't exist

p.s. we'd love to play date with you. We can even host.