Sunday, August 31, 2008

Brother and Sister Muldrow

There's so much to post about I can't begin just yet. So I'll just say... I DO see the resemblance between my kids (my KIDS!!!!) that some people are seeing. I didn't at first but...

Matthew at 3 days old

Rachel at about 3 hours old.Similar eyes, nose, mouth, (cutest little) bags under eyes (that you ever saw). But you can see, she's clearly a girly girl whereas he was clearly an 80 year old man.

p.s. I know these won't hold ya over. You are insatiable for baby photos, aren't you. If you haven't seen them yet, Erin's blog has a beautiful post including a link to lots more photos. Thanks for being SO on the game this week, Aunt Erin, we love you for it.

p.p.s. I wish I could point you to the Web Nursery hospital photos. But I can't because they are not posted like they said they would be. Just like they never ever ever are whenever friends have babies and I obsessively search again and again to see if they've posted. Which they usually do like 10 days later, when the kid's already off to high school.


Kate said...

I've been obsessively checking your blogs for photos so I'm very glad to see some! I guess they will hold me over! They do look alike - and both beautiful kids!

erindelanty said...

so cute - that's the pic i think they look most alike in! but i still don't see it too often! course, i'm just bad at that in general.

so so cute. gotta love the little babies, don't ya? except at 2, 3 and 4 in the morning, but otherwise... :)

Unknown said...

I want to eat your baby. She looks THAT delicious.

Don't worry, I won't visit when I'm hungry.