Today I had another ultrasound. Saw another chubby baby leg, her FACE, and hair, lots of it.
Matthew and Mike were there too - long story, Mike is driving me around right now which is a pain for him but was fun for us, since he can't usually join me for these.
And Matthew - I was all waiting for this magical moment of him realizing that's his sister on the TV, realizing it's a baby, anything. But what big brother said was "oh, FISHIES!" and ran toward this moving fish nightlight on the other side of the room.
He did show a modest interest at first, identifying my new daughter on screen as "Baby Amelia" which would be Kim and Mark's six week old baby girl. So he does get the idea...even if he didn't grasp today as the momentous event it was. That I did. It was the first time all four of us were together and "hanging out" if you will as new family of four.
And then my little happy maternity bubble was burst when they told me I am now going for weekly monitoring. Like EVERY WEEK. Even though my b.p, her weight, my fluid, you name it, are FINE, they are STILL being like, REALLY cautious and wanting weekly non-stress test and fluid monitoring. Of me. Out in Chesterfield. Where I DO NOT WORK NEAR.
Now, I realize the most important thing is the baby and of course I will go. But really people, I am a bit confused. Last time with Matthew, I was walking around on two hippos for ankles, and we didn't do any of this. My B.P. was also high and p.s. I was a giant giant whale.
This time I'm healthier, smaller and not swelled or at least, hardly at all. And yet I think they'd prefer I take up residence in the Fetal Medicine unit.
Somehow my diagnosis with Matthew went from "borderline pre-eclampsia" at his birth, to "you had pre-eclampsia" when I started the baby girl's appointments. To today some new high risk doc I hadn't seen before started a sentence, "when you see severe pre-eclampsia with the first pregnancy, we want to watch it really closely again..."
Now my pride at not wanting to look like a bad mother kicked in and I didn't correct/argue with him. Also he's the one holding my chart. But really - when did I go from "maybe" to "severe"? Me thinks me smells some guilt and "bullet dodged" from last time? Did they let stuff get a bit out of hand with Matthew and not realize until he arrived safely, thank God? It's weird, I just don't get it.
Mike and I don't want to be the parents that protest too much healthcare but ... seriously, wouldn't some nice kick counts and home B.P. monitoring do just fine?
Oh well, seven more weeks and she'll be here, and I can complain to her in person about the trouble she's caused me. Of course, that's if I can get past fawning over her BIG CHUBBY CHEEKS which we could see in the ultrasound today and which made me realize she sho is my duaghter.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
Oh my gosh, Aim. I had the same experience. I had ONE high bp reading before having John (which they later chalked up to my running late for the appointment - they took it again at the end of the appointment and it was fine) and after I had him some student nurse comes in and says "well i see here that you had pre-eclampsia". i argued with her but to no avail. "no, it says here you were, so."
AND, even my doctor is even now rewriting history. She delivered the baby via c-section b/c he was so large. I know it and she knows it. But our hospital doesn't allow "elective" c-sections so she had to find another reason. Fine, but now my chart says I had pre-eclampsia and she seems to now really think i did. but if that were true, why would i have NO KNOWLEDGE OF IT?
or sister you might say... :)
That is so weird. Are they giving you any more of an explanation? When I delivered Bridget, I had super high bp/had gained 5 pounds in one week AND was spilling major proteins so they said they were going to induce due to serious pre-e symptoms.
This time around, they didn't even blink at those symptoms from last time. Even when I had high BP for practically the last two months of this last pregnancy. I was even scared she'd bump me up on the c-section scale and she was like, "aah... we'll just watch you a little longer, take your bp at home and let us know if it's ever over 150.." I remember thinking seriously? over 150? Isn't that like dead?
Anyway, just thought I'd throw that in... I guess all docs are different and overly cautious is better than underly (yeah, it's sooo a word) cautious, but that does suck about weekly visits already! But you're right only 7 more weeks (at the most!) and you're done and she'll be able to hang out with her new pals who have been waiting patiently for her!
Okay, so I voted, and obviously for Katie (Catherine, right?). But let me just throw out there that my sister's name is Elizabeth Caroline and i really love the name Caroline. It was tops on my list before I found out John was a boy.
You totally know what I'm voting for, but for the record, I totally LOVE Kate, too, obviously (since we might have gone with that, too), but seriously.. KELLY MULDROW, I say it around the house occasionally and I'm already teaching Babygirl to say it, just cause it's so darn cute.
PS - Kate, when are you going to come visit us in the Lou so we can all go hang out and talk blogs/husbands/babies/etc.? Maybe after Kelly Muldrow arrives? :)
i know we have already been over this, but when are you due? my 20 week ultrasound indicated i was due on sept 3. is that close to yours?
and if yes, why haven't you gained the 60+ pounds like me???!
I have to confess that I think I voted twice. On two different computers. So, Katie has been artificially inflated. If you take my votes out, Kelly wins. I wouldn't want my cheating to result in your naming her the wrong thing. (As if you are really taking our opinions as gospel!)
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