Friday and Saturday I had Braxton Hicks contractions all day, like regularly, like every three to six minutes. Friday it was enough that I went home from work, laid down, drank about 5 truck driver mug sized waters thinking maybe I was just dehydrated, and laid around timing myself letting poor Mike yet again take care of everything else. (Three cheers for being in the third trimester with a hubby off for the summer!)
Three calls to my OB later, and we determined I was probably "fine" and didn't need to come in, but certainly if things got worse, I had "bloody show" (I mean, REALLY, can't we just say "see some blood"?) or the baby wasn't moving, come in. None of these things happened so lest we ruin our Friday night sleep or the rest of our weekend, we just went on like normal and waited for them to subside or get worse. Plus my Mom was here and she agreed it was probably just false labor and MOMS KNOW EVERYTHING so I felt better not going in.
By Sunday, they subsided and I was back to my normal "contract when I stand up or lift anything" mode. Which seems reasonable. But honestly, I had been getting a little freaked out when they had been coming like clock work and really really wondered, was this it?
Luckily, I now have the lovely weekly appointments, which this week, really was lucky. So today, she took a swab of something that by tomorrow, will either confirm I'm for sure not in any early labor ... or confirm that I "might be" in which case we literally will know nothing more than we know now. Which is that I'm a "finger tip" dialated and looking like I'm "getting ready" but that's about it.
Truthfully, I know I should be patient and make it 40 weeks but I have no interest. Like last time, I am just getting to the point where I want her here, safe, and just want to move to the next phase of this thing which is establishing life with new baby. The preggo gig is wearing thin .
I would love to get to 38 weeks and just have her POP ON OUT TO MEET THE FAM!
Frankly the suspense is killing me at work, too. I keep thinking I can go on like normal and it's become increasingly obvious that I won't accomplish 1/2 of what I thought I might before I leave, between doc visits and just limitations on those really long days. Which I don't think anyone but me expects of me. So I've lately shifted focus into documenting how I do things and training someone to do a lot of what I do. The PR firm employee version of nesting?
On the home front, all I want to do is wash and put away baby clothes, cross things off my baby to do list and most amazingly, read baby and preggo books for the first time since, like, my first 10 weeks of pregnancy with Matthew. I have been so laissez-faire, "oh yeah, due in August, anyway that's a nice blouse you have on!" and suddenly I'm all BABYBABYBABY and the paranoid part of me just wonders, is it a sign? Anyway it prompted me to start packing a suitcase, chat with my mom about her visit days, and fold about 100 billion onesies after washing them in non scented stuff. SHOUT OUT: Thanks to all of you ladies who have purchased or loaned me so many kick A girl baby clothes. I was practically beside myself with glee folding up so many many tiny pink THINGS last night.
Last point: my non-stress test was perfect again today, so was her fluid. We are both doing swimmingly, thank you. Somehow that still didn't get me out of any future monitoring and, in fact, in light of this weekend's contract-a-thon I have now scored myself another OB appointment next Monday where formerly I had none.
I realize so many people have dealt with SO MANY more appointments and genuinely scary pregnancy situations. I should not complain. I truly do know this is "nothing" and I'm blessed and we're lucky. I just, you know ... want life to be a little easier again. Which I am thinking might happen sometime after the baby gets here ... like 2014.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
1 comment:
Glad that the contractions stopped and that you are getting ready. You don't have much time left before you will be up all night, sleep deprived and truly HAPPY :)
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