Monday, March 17, 2008

You Know You've Gained More Than Just Baby Weight When...

You ask your husband if your butt's getting bigger and he looks terrified. So you ask again and he says, well, maybe a little.

And when you can still fit your pants - but not without a wedgie - which you wore to work before you really realized the full extent of the problem (the problem, again, being your butt).

And when you've consumed about 5,400 calories a day for the last three months out of the cheese and bread and pizza and Special Dark Chocolate Sauce food categories alone. Culminating in a meal Saturday night involving salami, mini-tacos, Cheetos, cheese fondue, chocolate covered Twizzlers and - yes - Twinkies AND Zingers. In my defense, it was a junk food party for my preggo friend Cara, who'd had a rough week and needed fun girl time. In my butt's defense, did I need to bring home the salami in a bag and make a sandwich to take to BED?


Kate said...

I'd have to say that yes, you did need to do that. It sounds perfectly fine to me.

Mina Cho Simmons said...

dude. i just linked from kate's blog to yours! congratulations on baby #2. we were so excited/jealous we decided to copy you - mina's brother/sister is due on sept. 7th.
Currently I twice the size I was during this stage with Mina. I am practically about the give birth right now. - Cheers again to the entire family.

Unknown said...

First and foremost - where can I get my hands on chocolate covered twizzlers?!?!?! That sounds fantastic. I miss my first tri mester when I could eat all day long - now I want to eat but Ms Riley decided to make more room for herself and less for my stomach and everything I eat seems to want to squeeze right back out - but I bet I could fit some chocolate covered twizzlers...