Well, 8-10 glasses of water, and here is an approximation of what I consumed Friday. I don't know exactly because I stopped religiously tracking what I was eating way back in early January. That was when my appetite doubled, ala some type of north woods lumberjack. What was the point of tracking "yep, I ate 60 points again today!"
Raisin Bran crunch - Good!
Morning snack of some sort, let's say apple - Good!
First lunch - Lean Cuisine including chicken breast and GREEN BEANS - Good!
Second lunch - Hot dog - Very Bad*
*Note that I was walking to microwave to pick up L.C. when I overheard a coworker was "going to visit the hot dog guy." With no pride, I asked him to please bring me one, and oh could he buy because I had no cash?
Reese's mini-cup(s) - Since don't know number - we'll say Borderline Bad
Pre-dinner snack of something in my car on way home, let's say crackers - Fine?
Dinner at Mexicon restaurant - ok here goes:
Chips, salsa - Fi... but wait, CHEESE DIP - which I consumed 80% of vs. Mike's 20% - Very Bad
Dos Enchiladas -What do you think?
Fried ice cream - What do you think?
Fake beer -Blech - and Borderline Bad
Second dessert at home, let's say Light Hostess Cupcake - Would be Good! but see above
I'm not saying, as far as pregnant eating goes, this is the end of the world. I am saying, I thought that resuming healthy water drinking - which I've totally not done lately - might restrain me a bit.
And it just had no impact, at all, other than sending me the potty about 15 times that day. Because duh, babies don't like water. They like whole milk, cookies, cheese, bread products, and dawgs.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
1 comment:
I'm sitting here eating an entire box of girl scout cookies by myself and I'm totally agreeing with you sister....the baby doesn't like all that good stuff!! Only the bad stuff...that's how they grow, right?
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