Monday, June 15, 2009

When Mom Goes out of Town ...

Baby gets a shiner!

Editor's Note: This blog title courteousy of Erin who shared this photo/fact with me. My husband conveniently forgot. In his defense, the same thing happened in my care last weekend when HE was out of town. Unexplained bruise on her forehead. Guess the ravages of crawling have begun to take effect on my poor baby girl!
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Kate said...

All of a sudden Rachel looks like a little girl! SO cute. Even with the shiner. By the way, why does my child always seem to get those huge bruises like the day before a doctor appointment? I always feel like they're gonna report me.

erindelanty said...

kate - seriously! the same thing happens to me every time or especially on monday mornings when i drop them off at "school" and have to explain the 4 bandaids and purple foreheads. luckily, most of the other kids are the same way and they immediately commiserate about their weekend "boo boos".

oh baby rachel, yoooooo are too cute my little bruiser.