This summer I will run a series of posts capturing the funny things my husband sees and emails me about all day long ... hence the title of this post.
I am expecting my AT&T royalties to kick in immediately.
Matthew, what would you like to eat?
I would like that stuff with the fruit that I just loved yesterday (this morning)
That he "just loved"? Is Matthew now an 85 year old woman at a bake sale? Who talks like this?
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
maybe he should start twittering. i could see his username now "summermike", "muldrowisms", or "mikeunfiltered" wait, i take that last one back, lord help us if mike was unfiltered. we all know what happens when he loses that 15% filter of his.
on a more related note, matthew is the most distinguished 3 y/o i know. at the spaghetti factory he told me his spaghetti was "quite delicious". QUITE! i don't think tim even uses that word.
that is really funny. is mike secretly waking him up in the middle of the night for vocabulary lessons? or maybe libby is teaching a graduate level class out of your house during the school year? either way, i like it when tommy impersonates matthew. who am i? "oh thomas so nice to see you, thank you for your presence at my house today. would you like some afternoon tea?" i love matthew. i wish i talked like that....
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