When I bought the house, I thought it had these pale dirty-cream looking walls that we'd need to paint over, when we could. But oh wait - upon closer inspection after moving in, the situation escalated immediately when we realized, they are not dirty or cream. But LIGHT GOLD SPONGED PAINTED. Honest to God it must have been so much work for the prior owners* they covered every inch. Boy do I wish I had a close up for posterity.

Anyway, after a full year, I was also tired of cringing as guests viewed the way our hand me down glass dining room set, which matched our old place, sort of, matched absolutely nothing here. Especially when placed so elegantly beneath our carnival style haunted house/Elton John stage set, candelabra.

Well now, dear readers, let me present ... our new look!

We randomly decided to do paint over Memorial Day. It was either that or divorce each other; reason cited would be "inability to decide on ANYTHING." So we just pulled the trigger, dropped some dough on paint at Lowe's, let the kids watch ridiculous amounts of TV and just did it.
Mike stayed up really late one night to finish a lot up by himself (a round of golf quid pro quo was involved, don't worry). But he didn't mind. He'd been pushing me to do this. See how happy he looks?

In fact, you might say, hmm, aren't these the colors you had picked out when i visited you (earlier this year? At Christmas? Last summer before Rachel was born?) Yes, right you are. But the exact oat-y and olive-y decisions took a long time to feel good about. And which walls to do what, my God, I think I burst some brain cells.
Anyway, we also replaced the light fixture (I swear, it felt like a stage prop from the Muppet show) and also bought a new dining room table. THAT search was a mini-saga, so I'll just say, thank you, Weekends Only. After enough trips, you finally did us right.

Also we bought what I affectionately refer to as our Grama chair...technically matches, was a steal, super comfy ... but, tis just a little fugly, if you ask me. Mikey loves it though. And as you can see, thank GOD the cat who pees on all of our belongings likes it.

But seriously, I just love finding a new use for old stuff instead of buying new. The chair's now perfectly setup as the comfy reading chair, complete with reading light. In two weeks I've sat in it more than I did in four months in that other room, even though it looked real cute and den-y in there.

So, what do you think, interweb friends?
Do we look like we finally live here? Cuz it does finally feel like our home.
Aim, I love it! It looks so cozy! I love the green. I know it takes forEVER to decide on just about everything. I'm the same way. We're still living with white walls here. Great job!
Very nice! I'm normally not a big fan of accent walls (maybe because people don't know how to do them right) but this TOTALLY works for your layout. It's like the kind of layout an accent wall was made for! Good job.
It looks beautiful! Great job!
I love it! You guys definitely look at home now :)
awesome - can't wait to see it!
Holy cow, Aim, that looks AMAZING. Love the paint, and the way it just pulls everything together in the living room. Big WOW!
Funny, we just started tackling a living room redo this weekend as well. I'll post photos when mine looks HALF as good as yours.
kick a** makeover, muldrows! love the colors and repurposing of furniture from other room - agreed it is coolio when you can rearrange what u already have
is it that clean everyday now? looks awesome. i may sign you for some consultation at my future home.
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