Despite the well balanced work/life balance I've got going on in my new blog header, I am missing my baby girl a little this week.
I barely saw her Thursday and not much the nights prior. Last weekend was busy, for whatever reason, so it was more about hustling than cuddling.
Also, she's fighting a bad case of "sniffles" this week. But those "sniffles" are keeping her up, making her grouchy, uncomfortable, and all around, a needy little soul. A little soul I've not been able to attend to as much as I'd want. Or take to the doc myself or ... sigh.
I haven't complained much about this topic yet, right? So I'm entitled, a little?
Am planning to to make up for lost time this weekend. But given my state of mind ... I know you'll agree it's not weird at ALL that I've taken to secretly carrying her pacifer around in my coat pocket.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
5 weeks ago
That's not weird. What WILL be weird is when you find one of those secret pacifers in your coat pocket like, three years later. Which only recently happened at MY house. It hurt a little to throw it out...
Not weird at all. I like the new header, too. :o)
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