Can I get a whoop whoop for my pal Erin who redesigned my entire web site for me? Just because she CAN and is GOOD and ENJOYS it?
I'm sure I would enjoy it too, if I had the faintest idea how to use PhotoShop. Or pick a matching color palette. Or, you know, just have a creative vision of any sort.
Okay, I'm not THAT bad. And, I have learned over the years to appreciate that "creativity" in my field (communications) means more than just the visual side of the work. For instance, I can creatively manipulate a too-short-to-complete-the-project timeline into something workable. I can creatively figure out how to tap the right people, at the right times, at the right order, to get the job done. I can turn not much meaty content, into a snazzy newsletter or intranet article.
I can even IDENTIFY good creative when I see it, or know how to edit something bad into good. (I know, probably your worst nightmare right? A non-creative who "likes to edit.")
But editing is just SO different than looking at a blank page and having that vision, and also the courage, to pick up the pen, mouse or what have you to make something happen, out of nothing.
I've gotten to work with some really creative people in the last year ... people at work that just, can see, what they want something to be like. And I've got Erin and some other friends that have their own businesses based graphic design - web, print, clothing and gifts. (Small plug: see bottom right nav for some of said ladies' really awesome web stores.)
And I gotta admit, I'm a little jealous.
Because you can learn to write, you can learn to project manage, you can learn to pitch and proofread and prepare budgets. But you can't learn to be a left brainer.
(CAN you, Mr. President?)
And we love ya for it!
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
Very nice!
Looks great! I'm so happy you have the one blog- tons easier for you I'm sure, and cuts down on my blog reading time at work. : )
Actually, while hand dominance is not directly related to brain dominance, those who are left-handed do exhibit a greater propensity for RIGHT brain dominance. I assume you brought the President up because he's left-handed? (Also, interestingly, 5 of the last 7 presidents have been left-handed. Ford, Reagan Bush 41,Clinton and Obama.) But you are right that lefties are more visual and process information using synthesis while righties are more linear and analytical. But artist painters, engineers and musicians are actually RIGHT brainers. A left brainer would more likely be a physicist, chemist, writer, business exec, mathematician.
Not to write a whole essay on the subject.
Ok so ... I'm more of a linear thinker, not visual - and right handed - so I guess that follows together and I'm a left brainer?
Darn it, my whole clever title is now full of hooey.
I love the new design. It matches your blogging perfectly! Erin rocks!
Thanks for the nice props! Give it up for the left-handers (me and my homey Obama) who probably are more right-brained, but same difference... except not.
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