While I am feeling good, thought I'd get at least one official post in. You know, the long detailed boring ones no one else cares about listing every time, contraction and update.
12:05 a.m. - Arrive at L&D with 5 bags, two cameras and the Boppy. We look like first timers, probably. I verify repeatedly, this counts as after midnight, right? That clock is wrong, I show 12:05! Everyone laughs and agrees, yes, we're fine, stupid insurance, midnight. Nurses are so welcoming and we try to be super sweet, funny, super patients that they will love.
12:07 - Mike realizes he's forgotten cord for speakers for IPOD. Despite my protests that we don't need them, he swears we are not doing this without mustic and that it'll take "15 minutes there, 15 back" and off he goes.
1:00 - Low dose Pitocin drip of "1" is in, by 1, how clever! I'm on the monitor, in the uncomfy hospital bed, answered all the questions and covered in identifying bands. And my Sext and the City (SATC for you newbies) marathon is about to begin - Season 1 DVD is playing as the nurse leaves. Oh, and a tiny little pink sleeping pill for the road. Not a bad deal!
1:15 - Ambien is kicking in. Having hard time concentrating on filling out 3 page cord blood donation behemoth form.
1:20 - Mike arrives back, also brought my glasses and contact solution, per my last minute texted request. Brough a bag full of solutions (I have different kinds and probably half expired) and 2 pairs of glasses - both wrong. I own coke bottle glasses from which to see out of when my contacts are out - and thin cheapo reading glasses for over my contact when reading fine print. He brought the Walgreen's $3.99 readers. "Do these LOOK like the glasses I wear when my lenses are out? Do these look like the ones YOU make fun of?" Answer: "I don't know! I didn't LOOK at them." And there yoy have it, folks. The male brain hard at work.
1:30 - Ahh. We are both in the dark, relaxes, watching exploits of those crazy NY ladies.
2:00 - 6:20 - ZZzzz... Ambiens are the bomb. Seriously, I never thought I'd sleep and man did I. Even in this crap bed, I slept. Despite having to wake up each time they can in at 2, 3 and 4 up my Pitocin (by "1" each time. One what, I don't know) or get up to pee or get BP checks or have my monitors adjusted, I slept. The pill just really relaxed me and I could give in to being tired (I really was).I am going to keep a bowl of these out at my house like candy for guests.
6:20 - Awake to have my Pitocin jacked up for realsies now. Also, the poor nurse is more hurried, and for good reason. I learn FOUR LADIES just came in to be delivered. Like, now! One is also my doctor's patient, so I will probably get to see her sooner than I'd thought since I assume she'll stop by to say Hi once she's done with her. Damn, they will all beat me, I just know it!
Did I mention my nurse is 37 weeks pregnant herself and caring for me on the night shift? GOD I love nurses, they are so tough.
6:45 - Send Mike out for fresh ice. Tell him to watch out, it'll be crazy out there with all these new deliveries. He comes back, wide-eyed. I said, I know, I warned you - four pregnant ladies - and they had thought I was their hot priority for the morning. He says the nurses station was completely empty, but he saw one nurse was running down the hall pushing a cart and saying, I hope she didn't already have the baby in the bed!
7:10 - One woman has already delivered!
7:13 - Just heard one more is scheduled for a C-section at 9:30. Side note: Every time I heard that "click" of the IV releasing more into me, I get kinda scared and kinda excited. Side side note: I am definitely feeling these babies now but still, it's really really very bearable. They are not on top of each other yet, and THAT is the kiss of death in terms of my ability to cope.
Temp check... gotta go!
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
posting and texting! a true millennium woman! we're thinking about you guys!
ps - men! sheesh!
You are amazing Aimee! Way to go!
I'm re-reading this now since there have been no more updates. I am so glad you remembered the Boppy. That was tres important. I also really like the part of the story where Michael goes, "I didn't look". At the glasses he was bringing. Those men.
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