As several of you know, this weekend we took a very pointless trip to the hospital.
On Saturday morning, I thought I might be leaking fluid. Call exchange, doc says it sounds inconclusive but best to come in, risk of infection if it is and I don't. Ok, sold! Pack the bags! Pack the car! Dump child on babysitters (oh so conveniently arranged already for this very day for our first/last date night in eons)!
But alas, after checking in, getting suited up in a backless gown, getting pantsless, hooked up to monitors, and asking all the "you're about to have a baby, yippee skippee!" questions, like am I breastfeeding, will I donate my cord blood, etc. ... well after all, that, the stupid stupid stupid "fern test" showed I was not, in fact, leaking anything. Except for end of pregnancy not-very-lady-like lady stuff, like everyone does, I guess. Lovely.
I wanted to argue that I knew better, that it wasn't a gush, just a slow leak. And could you check it again? But seeing as how the lady had an M.D. and a microscope, and I had only crazy-lady-I- want-to-be-DONE-dear-God emotions, she won.
I had been losing my mucus plug "stuff" for a couple days prior. Then I saw some blood Sat and thought this is it, the Show! And even though I know that doesn't mean anything, and it can be weeks, blah blah... that combined with the fact that I felt I was leaking, well you see, people, why I got excited.
And why when it wasn't, I was pretty disappointed. I mean, I was there, I was in costume, the nurses that shift seemed nice. What's not to love, let's have a BABY, party people! But it doesn't work like that. No fluid and I was out on my pregnant rear for another 10 days until they'll let me back to be induced.
Thank the Lordy, that number is now down to EIGHT - EIGHT DAYS!
And the last two nights, I've taken looooong walks. In hopes that I'm shaking her further down, because per Dr. Debbie Downer on Saturday, she is way up there still and only a station 4!
That is interesting. Because the pressure on my pelvis is plenty bowling ball esque already. When she moves down "into the pelvic girdle" I am just not sure how I'll stand it.
In the meantime, I'm considering taking up jogging or perhaps Olympics style trampoline, if nothing happens tonight.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
tonight? sweet - that works. whatever you can do to bring that little baby girl in the world sooner would be fine by me! :)
I had the same situation except the let me stay! I must have had nicer nurses :)
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