So far, so good! I am still feeling sick in the morning, but no barfing and it totally goes away after I eat. Which I don't feel like doing, which is sad because my morning english muffin with cheese or waffle with peanut butter standard is a highlight of my entire day.
Now it's plain toast, one piece, and even that I find myself not finishing. Just don't have the appetite*. But I gotta get a base in there to buffer the coffee which yes, I am still drinking (half caff at least).
Tomorrow morning I get more blood drawn for HCG levels again. Monday I get my ultrasound. tells me that early ultrasounds may not show heartbeats, and if not I shouldn't worry. Even though heartbeats are usually visible by 6 1/2 weeks (4 1/2 weeks after conception, wow) if your cycle is longer you might have to come back the next week. (Perfect, because that is super convenient with me and a job and highway 40.)
Technically, I will be exactly 6 1/2 weeks on Monday. But based on my 31 day cycle, I won't be. Don't know what we'll see - and it WILL freak me out not so see something.
So, all together now, let's hear it for a heartbeat!
*After dinner, I have that appetite and then some and an generally now feeling the need for two dinners - then dessert. I don't always give in, but I always shop around the kitchen for quite a while each night, planning and debating what secondsies might be.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
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