My HCG levels are fine - "everything's looking great!" - but Dr. Morley still wants me to repeat them again next Thursday. That way she'll have them before Mon. the 7th ... my first appointment and my first ULTRASOUND!
Now, I am super excited to see the baby and see the heart. And Mike's coming, too. Just one little glitch - I was a day off on calculating the first day of my last period. When I change that, plus factor that my average cycle is 31 days not 28 ... apparently my due date is Sept. 1 not Aug. 28. So I'm nearly a week off where I thought I was, and I'm hoping it's not too early for the ultrasound.
Think I read that ultrasounds can detect pregnancies as soon as the baby's implanted. And the heartbeat should start next week. So hopefully there will be something to see so Dr. Morley will not think I have pulled one over on her to get in early. Which, actually, I would be tempted to do; waiting nearly until eight weeks for Matthew's first appointment sucked!
My stats:
Nighttime pee trips last night: 3
Nausea: Mid-grade but mostly only in morning
Appetite: Sometimes non-existent (how could I not have finished my First Watch croissant sandwich?); sometimes lumberjack sized (last two nights, strongly felt I needed two dinners)
Caffeine restriction success: Well, anyway...
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
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