As you read down these posts, you'll notice an odd situation:
Two sets of tests
Two months apart
So maybe everyone's smarter than I'm giving them credit for - but just in case - here's the scoop:
Back in October, I took two pregnancy tests and was (very shocked) to find out I was pregnant after our first month of trying.
Then, unfortunately, I got over that shock real quick - and had a new one - when I realized I was having my period three days later. And was no longer pregnant.
THAT revelation occurred while I was out of town on a one day business trip. I was pretty crushed. I mean, are you kidding me? Did it HAVE to be the day I'm traveling with men all day?
The next morning (before leaving town for a second trip that same week) I had to go get my blood drawn at 6 a.m. at St. Luke's. Just to confirm what I already knew - that my hCg was down, and that I wasn't pregnant after all, or anymore.
Let's just say it was a bad week.
But by the following week, we took a breath, realized there wasn't anything wrong and that sometimes, pregnancies just don't take. If I hadn't tested so early, I never would have known. It happens.
But since I did know and had called my doctor, she asked us to wait a month before trying again. So now my perfect summer baby timeline was getting even further off.
THEN I reminded myself that in the scheme of how long people wait for their babies, one month was nothing at all. So we bucked up, looked on the bright side (longer to save money, we could wait to move over the summer) and waited.
And then - as luck would have it - here we are, again. So clearly I'm nervous - as hell - but I feel different this time. I feel symptoms like I did with Matthew. I so much hope I am not imagining it. I know Mike is thinking the same.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
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