We had a perfect healthy ultrasound on Monday - whoo hoo! Got a little 90 BPM heartbeat, which is normal for a couple more weeks. Matthew's was 160+ on his first ultrasound at 8 weeks, while Little Rice Krispie Muldrow was only 6 weeks so the doctor said that was normal.
And yes, our child is a Rice Krispie. Didn't even have the little arm/leg blobs - yet. Course that was 2 days ago ... who knows she s/he is up to in there now.
Well, actually, I know - making me SICK. I am having pretty strong nausea from the time I first wake up, until I get to work. I have to wait around eating crackers in bed for 1/2 hour before I dare stand up (or really even sit up) unless I want to cruise straight in to barf.
Not a big fan of barfing - and once I start, I don't stop. But my "moving slowly" in the morning unfortunately means sticking poor Mike with the sole child care/pet care in the morning, and also being a bit late to work.
But so be it; we knew another pregnancy would bring some inconvenience, and hopefully it only lasts another 6-7 weeks at the most. Moving slowly, by 7:30 I feel good enough to shower and get to work. By about 9, I feel like eating, and I'm really into fruit or fruit yogurt; bread is sadly out. Eating stops the cycle, I just can't stand the thought of it until I get to work.
And then really all day, my stomach is still "off" all day. Which is different than Matthew (GIRL????).
But not complaining. I know people who throw up all day, every day. Even once every day would be too much for me. If we can keep this to nausea in the mornings, I will not complain too much.
Besides that, I do get tired at night - but not exhausted, and I'm not noticing it at work. I'm busy, which really does help. God, last time, at GE, I was so bored I felt a physically overpowering need to crawl under my desk and nap - daily. At work now, I find my carefully planned second cup of coffee around 3 p.m. is all I need to get through.
Course night is another story. I'm going to sign off now, as I'm feeling a bit like the walking dead. My perkiness ends about 8 p.m. so I don't know what the heck I'm doing up at 10:45.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
2 months ago
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