Yesterday we bit the bullet and invested in a Wii and Wii Fit. This morning, I spent half hour stretching and doing yoga and yes, sadly, feeling my pulse rate rise from that limited movement.
So apparently Mr. Snotty Pants Wii was right ... maybe I AM the "Wii Age" of a 50 year old? AWESOME.
Since I'm now trying to "move more" I thought I also might get back to the "eating less" side of things. I started this around 7 weeks into my maternity leave ... tapping once again my old BFF - but also, new nemesis - Weight Watchers.
Old BFF, because I lost nearly 50 lbs following WW alone (didn't work out) the year after I had Matthew.
New nemesis, because my post-Rachel WW kick lasted several weeks, stopped since thin ... and never once in that time rivaled the discipline I showed the first time. I didn't even have that honeymoon period where you rigorously meeting your points for a couple weeks, before cheating starts.
I was pretty much over 10 - 20 points a day (got 33 a day total). So basically I was overeating daily and just, you know, tracking that fact for posterity.
So obviously when I got too busy and had 15 minutes to track my overeating or sit down or play with a child, I just stopped tracking all together. And it's showed ... I've put on probably 5 lbs since then and it's no secret why. We're busy, we cook frozen pizza, we take out on the way home from work. Yesterday it was Chipotle for lunch and Webster Wok for dinner. What am I expecting here??
So in honor of my gigantic Wii Fit investment - and the monthly deductions for WW online that STILL come off my credit card whether I'm getting thinner or fatter - I'm starting anew.
But I'm sure wishing I had those 33 points back...retaking the quiz today, and unchecking the "nursing mom" box dropped me down to 22 points.
So guess using well over half of that for a pancake breakfast this morning was not advisable, eh?
Send celery and fat-free Italian, quick!
Take a picture it’ll last longer
5 weeks ago