Wednesday, December 26, 2007

And Survey Says

Yep, your squinting eyes aren't deceiving you.

We are pregnant again!

On Christmas morning, about 7:30 or so, we woke up and took the test. I say we because WE literally did. Didn't do this other times, but was so nervous, I made Mike come in.
We both sat waiting for the hourglass to turn to Pregnant. And thankfully, amazingly, it did!
Mike saw it first. He kept leaning over to look at it. I was all, Stop it, you're making me nervous, they said THREE MINUTES, HONEY!

Then I looked up and he had this grin and nodded his head that direction. So I leaned over and ... there is was.

We knew already - when I was tired, when my boobs hurt, when I requested McDonald's twice in two days after probably eating it twice in the past year. When I took a nap at my parents. When I was ready for bed at 8:30 since Saturday night ... we knew.

But there's still no replacement for seeing that test.
I feel blessed, lucky, nervous, happy and thrilled. And like we really did just whip up the best Christmas present for ourselves ever.

1 comment:

Me? A Mom? said...

What a fabulous Christmas present! Only a baby girl would be so thoughtful to "arrive" like that. :)