Clearly I have no brainpower or time or energy for normal posts. Maybe because I've barely left the house (ok, couch) and breathing the same air day after day is leaving me with lots to say but no brain cells to type it. Anyway, here's the update I can muster:
-- Thank God and the lactation consultant ladies for the nipple shield 101 yesterday. It is saving my boobs, sanity, baby and probably marriage. And probably all family ties and friendships. I was a sobbing painful mess for Tue and most of Wed. Now I am a tired but sane and only slightly pained. Still a mess - but that's only because I'm wearing the same outfit as yesterday and day before and that outfit is milk soaked. Mentally, though - on my way to normalcy again. I think.
-- I hate this expressions (because, don't they all?) but Rachel seems to have her days and nights mixed up. Snoozes most of the day, with some alert periods. But nothing like the wide awake, Where are we GOING? Let's PARTY! personality we got from 2:45 - 4 a.m. last night after her 2 a.m. feeding. And with Mike going back to work today, my go to move of handing her over for an hour of Shushing post b.f.'ing won't work anymore. I think it's gotta be my gig most nights. Fire up the Tivo'd episodes of Oprah!
-- Besides above life-energy-sapping behavior, she is still very sweet. Think we're still in honeymoon period where she only cries when she has a need. Hates to be cold, or waiting for boob and WILL let you know but then quiets down; when she keeps us awake at night, it's just because she will fuss when we put her down, and I pick her up so it doesn't ramp into the scream - but if you just sit and hold her, she's fine. BUT, I know the truth is yet to come. As my doc said at her appointment yesterday, "She'll still be good now. We wouldn't see colic or any of that type of behavior until about 3 weeks." Yes, miss sunshine, I know, but thanks for reminding me. The clock is ticking in my head to that 3 week mark, believe me. I am literally holding my breath until that point.
-- She gained 3 oz since leaving hospital. In the next week she should gain 5 oz. to get back to her birth weight and make me and doc happy. I suspect she'll do it. She is my daughter. She can gain 10 oz. just by LOOKING at a bottle.
That's all from the mommy 'hood for now. More pictures to come, I swear, you people are animals!
p.s. Today I have busted out My Mommy's Pockets apron for the first time. A full review to follow but so far, I've had paci, burp cloth and cell on hand just when I wanted them! And damn, it's so cute. Thanks, Lig and EEJ! And thanks, Hutch, for being to so inventive. I saw your Baby Talk ad, too, just while perusing through the copy I picked up on a BRU run the other day. That kicks butt!
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
Dude, I remember that pain. It is excruciating! Do you have some Lansinoh lanolin cream? It helps! Still, there is no pain like a baby clamping down on a fully engorged breast. I know that last part was gross, but it's the truth.
Ohhh, also, you need a Hooter Hider. More Pictures!
I am simply amazed that you have found the time and brain capacity to freaking blog. But I LOVE reading it - every freaking word. I am at a honeymoon stage myself - three months - right when she starts smiling and cooing and laughing and just long enough for the endless nights of screaming to not be too raw in my memory ( I just now understand how women can have more than one baby). I cannot wait to talk to you - and hear more about everything (sounds like you had similar post natal complications?) Anytime you want to vent, cry, scream with/at someone who still remembers those trying first few weeks - just call. I cannot wait to see you and meet Rachel Elizabeth (oh I just love the name). And i simply cannot believe how cute you look on Erin's blog only a few hours after birth!
I am so, so, so happy for you and your sweet family.
I am dying to see how you are doing so I thought I might try you here. I can't wait to meet Rachel and see the rest of the family. Just remember that each 24 hour period you go through is one day closer to a full night's sleep. They don't scream/chew on breasts/confuse night and day forever. love love love the pics keep em coming!!!
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