157: The baby's heartbeat, which just sounds so damn awesome every time I hear it. Down from 169 on Valentine's Day at our last screening ultrasound. Mike loves to try and predict the sex from this. He read like one BabyCenter.com article and is now sold that higher means girl. But is 157 high or low? We knew it would drop from 169, so is this just in line with that?Apparently baby wants to see if Daddy can do calculous, because I don't think there's any way to figure it out from our pattern so far.
5: My lbs. of weight gain. Ha ha, Dr. Sucker. Too bad for you that you started counting after the first 3-4 went on because yes, on home scale from time I got pregnant, I've gained 9. And I do realize that's worse than I reported yesterday - every day IS worse than yesterday.
8: Approximate minutes I was with the doctor today.
15: Approximate time for them to make my next bleeping appointment and fill out the Quest blood paperwork.
185: Minutes spent in transit to and from and parking for my appointment.
But on a less snotty note...
4 1/2: Number of weeks until we find out boy or girl! I was waivering, but today I got butterflies just thinking about finding out so soon. AND - for those who know I've been struggling - I had my first glimpse of excitement at the idea of either girl, or boy. Yes we all know I'm a terrible mother because I have expressed a preference for an irl-geh. But today I imagined finding out and watching Michael learn he's having another son, and realizing we'd have another little stinky boy running around, and I realized I can picture it, after all.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
So... I was the first to vote - yeah! I think it's a girl, I hate to even write it, because as soon as I do, I'll be wrong - that's my gut so far though, and I can tell you that I haven't been compelled to "place my bet" on any of my other prego friends yet - just baby M:)
I think it's a girl. Don't ask me why because the reason is too long and crazy to post here. But thanks for the TWO blog entries in two days!
Darn, Erin beat me by 2 minutes!
I'm getting a definite girl vibe too!
I'm going to go with BOY!
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