Friday, January 25, 2008


Can it be 11 days since I last posted? Since then I have:
  • Shifted back out of morning sickness, for the most part.
  • Gained a solid 4 lbs (of what? does this grain of rice weigh four lbs?)
  • Started feeling my stomach pooch out.
  • Told a few more friends and co-workers.
  • And begun neglecting every good eating habit I formed last year, in favor of second lunches and hourly snacks.
So far I'm just loving this. Yes, a bit tired, and feeling queasy and averse to certain foods and smells all days. Coffee is a lost BFF to me now. But it's really been so low key in terms of symptoms. One week of true morning sickness, and now it's just every third day or so that I feel bad.

I actually don't think about this pregnancy as much as I did every minute with Matthew. But, whenever I do, I'm loving my new "project" and the feeling that no matter how crappy a day goes, I've always got something better cooking. It makes all the juggling and craziness worthwhile, and seem manageable, and temporary.

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