Hi friends! I simply couldn't let one more minute go by without posting and catching up on my friends' blogs. So there I go to
Erin's to see what I missed about her family, and see
her recap of our cruise vacation together last week. But then her post about Digital Moms got me intrigued, so per Erin's suggested I surfed over to
Dooce.com to see what SHE had to say about Twittering and
FB'ing moms. (I was of course just waiting for the big controversial oh, moms neglect their kids or oh, moms risk their kids privacy stuff ... and was waiting to see if I had a violent reaction to it, one way or another).
And then I did NOT read that article, but instead got sucked into one of Heather's (many) side advertisements, specifically,
this video from the
Momversations.com website. The topic? Family dinners.
Now I'm thinking: (a) what do I care about family dinners? (b) what does Miss Heather (who talks politics and depression and "deep stuff") Armstrong care about family dinners and (c) gee the digital mommy advertising revolution really has sort of, well, Madison-
avenued out the best and most sincere of us.
Momversations? Please.
But then I actually really enjoyed it. I learned of several new mommy
bloggers that I might start following - seemingly smart and funny women I wouldn't have known about except for this dumb "ad." (
Giyen and
Mindy - anyone read 'em?)
I also mostly appreciated seeing how a seemingly commercialized Heather ... agreeing to do this sponsored link (yes I sat through the full 30 second opening of
a Target pitch) looked completely
uncomfortable and nervous being shot on video. It was sort of reassuring that even as marketers tap
bloggers and leverage them for their own purposes, and moms vie to make some money from it (hey more power to ya), real people are still real people ... yes you can use me for it but I can't complete change who I am. Anyway, that's my deep interpretation of a 3 minute web video.
It als reminded me how much I've missed the
interweb these last 6? 7? 8? weeks of intense work and lack of life balance. I am enjoying a beautiful sunny Spring Saturday morning view out my back window, drinking my coffee, posting my random and inconsequential thoughts, and catching up on those from my friends - and complete strangers, of course! - from the last month and a half. And just thinking
ahhhh ...
I'm home.
Next up: a real update on my life.