Last night I fed Rachel around 8:45. I knew it probably wasn't enough, since I'd pumped just a bit earlier - I'm still working out how to synch up feeding/pumping schedules, obviously.
Anyway, I of all people know a girl doesn't like to be hungry, so I bottle fed her another 3 oz. of breast milk. There, that oughtta be enough.
Two hours later, she wasn't sleeping well and my husband (his turn on bedtime duty) was losing his you-know-what. So I sleepily mumbled, "You could always feed her a little more ..." and rolled over.
A bit later, he came to bed, quite proud of himself I asked what he did and he said, "I gave her another 4 oz of formula, THAT oughta do it."
So, my 14 week old baby drank, oh, I'd say, 8 or 9 oz last night.
I suspect she'll be ready for Weight Watchers by the time I get home tonight ... as Daddy has off school and is caring for her today.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 week ago